Galia Gur Zeev
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Family Affair: Reli Avrahami &Avner Avrahami
Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, curator
Local Testimony 2011
Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, curator

Local Testimony 2010
Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, curator
Family Files
Jewish Museum Munich, curators: Ronit Eden & Galia Gur Zeev
White City Dark Days
Tel Aviv in dificult times, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Curator
Beit Theresienstadt museum, Givat Chaym Ichud
Desigin: lala Architects, production
Beno Rothenberg
Photographed and Reported 1947-1957, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Curator
Yad Layeled Children's Museum
planing&design Ori Abramson, Mabatim LTD, Production
גליה גור-זאב ,גליה גור זאב
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